Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Keeping things simple

My life is pretty complicated - almost everything I do is "from scratch". Joe and I are so DIY that we made our own jobs, renovated our own house, we even move most of our daily miles by our own power (on bikes). I receive and reply to about 50 emails a day, and I have a lot of pets to look after.

Because of this, I like to keep the simple things simple. I have four keys, five phone numbers in my phone, and one color of clothing (if you've met me, you'll know what color this is!). I'm big on lists, especially for groceries or packing, so I don't have to re-invent the wheel every time I shop or travel.

What do you do to keep things simple? I'm looking for ideas!


Anonymous said...

Get a spouse who can be in charge of keeping things simple!

Traci said...

um, well...nothing. i have two kids under the age of 5. nothing is simple in my life. and really, i wouldn't have it any other way! :)